Constipation in Kids

If you know my family’s journey with gut health, then you know we talk about poop. A lot. Like too much, really.
But let’s face it, if your child struggles to poop regularly, suffers with gas pains, or dissolves into tears on the potty- something needs to be done.
No one should be up in the middle of the night with a toddler in pain who can’t poop.
My family’s long trek into holistic healing taught me the keys to digestive health and how to get my son pooping easily AND regularly. Let me share what has worked for us.
Diet First, Supplement As Needed!
Constipation was just one item on a long laundry list of concerns I was seeing with Charlie. From a young age, he displayed many developmental delays, was intensely emotional, and struggled with sleep and sensory issues.
I’m a ‘root cause’ kind of gal and always look to solve problems with long-term solutions. With Charlie, I had begun to see a direct and powerful link between what he was eating and the behaviors he exhibited. Diving deep into the gut-brain connection brought many answers but using our ‘trial & error’ approach took time. I’m grateful for all we’ve learned and thrilled that I may bridge the gap for other families struggling as well.
I had no idea just how compromised my son’s digestive tract was. Seeing food as his most powerful medicine, I endeavored to bring relief to his constipation through radical diet change. I understood both soluble and insoluble fiber could help to regulate digestion by pushing foods through the GI tract. With adequate hydration I was hopeful a diet change would bring the relief he needed.
High Fiber Foods For Kids
The daily requirement for a child’s fiber intake can be roughly 14-31 grams per day depending on age. I began incorporating as many fiber-rich foods into my son’s diet as possible, being careful to read ingredient labels for his sensitive system. I knew providing whole foods was our best bet. Don’t be fooled by the many packaged offerings such as high fiber cereals and granola bars that are often laden with added flavors and sugars!
In a nutshell, you want to shop for fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Our family must be very careful with gluten, cow’s dairy, dyes, refined sugars, and corn so we lean away from products containing these items.
Top 10 Foods for Fiber (And YES, They’re Kid-Friendly!)
Oats- (1/2 c = 4 g) It’s so quick and easy to provide a small bowl of oatmeal, along with a dash of real maple syrup. So great on a crisp morning; yummy AND filling!
Beans- (Kidney, Black, Chickpeas, Black-Eyed Peas) What a quick way to pack a fiber punch! Dipping raw veggies in hummus is such a great snack idea! (Just 2 tbsp of hummus= 2 g of fiber). Bean burgers or smearing a bean paste into a delicious taco are other great options!
Nuts- Especially with their skin on, nuts are great sources of fiber. We love almonds (1oz = 3.5 g) and cashews (1 oz.=1g) especially as they are easy on the digestive tract!
Sweet potatoes- Who turns down homemade sweet potato fries?! Leave the skins on for added fiber. (1 medium cooked sweet potato = 4 g)
Berries- Eaten fresh, frozen or in a delicious smoothie, strawberries (1/2 c=1g), raspberries (1/2 c = 4 g), or blackberries (1/2 c = 4 g) provide fiber AND taste!
Oranges- (1/2 c=1.5 g) I love offering clementines, so easy for little fingers to peel!
Dates- (¼ cup= about 3 g) These are such a great option in baked goods—chewy and sweet!
Apples- (1/2 c sliced raw=1.5 g) We just love dipping these in our homemade ‘caramel’; just a 1:1 ratio of or raw cashews and real maple syrup mixed in your blender!
Pears- (1 medium pear= 5.5 g) Dip this in my 'caramel’ as well- can you say YUMMY?!
- Chia Seeds- Mom, just sneak a tablespoon in pudding, smoothies, or yogurt and call them ‘sprinkles’! (1 ½ tablespoons pack about 4-5 grams of fiber- WOW!)
When Diet Change Isn’t Enough
While other moms (I felt) were enjoying lattes with girlfriends and having playdates at the park, I was buried in research to solve my son’s gut issues and behaviors. My son seemed to have more regularity with a fiber-rich diet, but his inconsistent eating habits precluded us from getting long-term results.
I began investigating the various options available to us. I had certainly used powerful laxative powders in the past, but my son’s system was too sensitive, and I didn’t want to undo any progress we’d made in balancing his delicate bowel flora. I began trying different fibers. Some didn’t mix well or taste good, others caused more gas, and yet others made him cramp in the bathroom. On top of this, I couldn’t find any clean, hypoallergenic options. It was exhausting.
And so, the conversations (and the worrying) about poop continued.
A Solution Comes Into View
It took time, but our efforts paid off. I discovered a fiber that was easy to take, and robust at feeding the healthy microbiome I was trying to restore. Manufactured from organic guar beans, this soluble dietary fiber had been clinically shown to be effective at relieving occasional constipation. It also proved an excellent prebiotic for maintaining digestive health and microflora balance. (Bonus, bonus, bonus.)
Within a week of daily use, I saw a change in his bathroom habits. Not wanting to get my hopes up, I continued the regimen and observed.
And then it happened. He began to poop. Easily and Regularly. Day after Day.
Fiber Supplement for Kids
As with everything I’ve learned with my children, if it works, I’m sharing it with the world! The supermarket and pharmacies are filled with fibers, each claiming ease of use and regularity. But as I learned, all fibers are NOT created equal.
We needed a solution that:
- Would not contain any fillers, additives, sweeteners, or allergens of any kind
- Was effective and provided consistent, long-term results
- Would NOT undo our efforts in balancing his digestive tract, but rather was safe to give each day as part of his gut-healing regimen
And yes, I needed something my child would take easily.
The Perfect Natural Laxative for Children
Whether you’re a nerd like me, researching voraciously to find the perfect natural laxative for children, or if you’re a mom who simply knows what’s best for her child’s gut-health, Tasteless Fiber for Kids is your answer.
This tasteless fiber powder is organic, non-GMO and third-party tested for purity. But that’s not all, our fiber is also colorless, odorless, hypoallergenic, and 100% water-soluble.
Simply The Best Solution For Your Most Beloved Littles.
At my house, we still talk about poop. Too much really. But now the conversations are about this natural and effective solution. When diet modifications are not enough, this supplement is the perfect addition to bring ease and regularity to your child’s daily regimen.
I invite you to try it. It’s time for you to stop worrying about poop and go meet your girlfriend for that latte.